For that moment in time you will surrender your body and your world to this place. It centers you. It clears you. It eliminates stress from your life, even if for a moment, and allows you time to regroup, get stronger and attack life with new-found awareness.
Every. Single. Time.
You can’t bring your shit with you to the gym. You have to leave it in a pile outside the front door. It will be waiting for you when you get done. When you work out, and work out hard, you have to give everything. Every ounce of power, effort and stamina that you have.
It’s about effort, mentality and desire.
You get what you give. So give good.
This is about you.
It’s about choice.
It’s about life.
Only you get to decide where you are going. It’s about responsibility. You either choose to take care of your body. Or you don’t. It’s quite simple, really. The one and only living, breathing, walking, talking, vessel that you have been given to navigate this life with, is depending on you to read the manual, change the oil and keep it running.
You only get one body, one chance and it’s your choice. No one will do it for you.
It will be hard. It will hurt. You will fail and that might be your moment…the moment when you want to quit and never look back.
You get to decide.

It doesn’t happen by accident. It will never come easy but every time you fall, if you slowly and steadily get back up, square your shoulders and do it again, you will learn. Yes, actually you can and you will master your existence. The pain and the intensity that you repeatedly expose yourself to day after day is silently breaking old habits and is beginning to mold and shape and transform your life.
Begin today, and continue tomorrow; because your effort, your purpose, and your ultimate cause can and will change your reality.
It’s yours to have or not have.
Who are you? You decide….
My promise as your trainer is that I will be here, for direction, support, motivation, and a partner if you need one. If I don’t know an answer I will find it or direct you to someone that can help you. You will succeed, if you show up, try hard and don’t quit.
Whether you are just beginning, restarting after a break, or an athlete that needs direction, I can help design a program that will get you where you need to be. Lets work together to customize your plan and smash those goals!
Rarely will you every hear me talk about weight loss. I could care less about the number on the scale and your relationship with the earth’s gravitational pull. I want to show you how strong you can be. My desire is to open your eyes to a body that is a well oiled machine that will perform exactly how you expect it to, every time you ask.